Now that you have your nifty coupon organizer you need to fill it with money saving coupons. Where do I get my coupons? I'll tell you.
Newspapers - The rule is to buy one paper for every person in your household. If you have a family of 4 buy 4 papers. Coupon inserts vary from paper to paper. The vast majority of coupons are the same but there are certainly a few differences. As the word spread that I am a coupon girl friends, family, business clients and friends of family members mail me their coupons from various states around the country. To them I am forever grateful!
Printable Internet Coupons - I have a list on the front page for various sites who offer free printable coupons. You are limited as to the number you can print (usually 2 per computer) so ask friends and family to print you some if it's a product that you know you will use in your home. Also, companies and stores have their own coupons which are also printable such as Target, Walmart, Shoprite, Pet Smart etc..
Manufacturer Coupons -these come directly from the manufacturer. Try writing/calling or emailing the companies of the brands you use everyday. They will usually send you coupons in the mail as a nice gesture for choosing their products. They are far better than most you will get on Sunday's.
Blinkies - what the heck is a blinkie? It's that little black box that has a blinking light. You see hanging on the store shelves and spit out coupons as you walk by. Always grab a few to save for later.
Coupon Clipping Services - coupons are FREE. It is actually against the law to charge for coupons. Hence why everyone on e bay and clipping services states that you are paying for their time to find, clip and mail the coupons to you. I rarely use them mostly since my stores limit the amount of coupons I can use in a single transaction. Boooo
Tear-Off's - These are found usually in front of the products and you tear off the coupons from the pad.
Peelies - These are found direction on the package. You can peel the off and use them right away or save for later. See Picture below.

Newspapers - The rule is to buy one paper for every person in your household. If you have a family of 4 buy 4 papers. Coupon inserts vary from paper to paper. The vast majority of coupons are the same but there are certainly a few differences. As the word spread that I am a coupon girl friends, family, business clients and friends of family members mail me their coupons from various states around the country. To them I am forever grateful!
Printable Internet Coupons - I have a list on the front page for various sites who offer free printable coupons. You are limited as to the number you can print (usually 2 per computer) so ask friends and family to print you some if it's a product that you know you will use in your home. Also, companies and stores have their own coupons which are also printable such as Target, Walmart, Shoprite, Pet Smart etc..
Manufacturer Coupons -these come directly from the manufacturer. Try writing/calling or emailing the companies of the brands you use everyday. They will usually send you coupons in the mail as a nice gesture for choosing their products. They are far better than most you will get on Sunday's.
Blinkies - what the heck is a blinkie? It's that little black box that has a blinking light. You see hanging on the store shelves and spit out coupons as you walk by. Always grab a few to save for later.
Coupon Clipping Services - coupons are FREE. It is actually against the law to charge for coupons. Hence why everyone on e bay and clipping services states that you are paying for their time to find, clip and mail the coupons to you. I rarely use them mostly since my stores limit the amount of coupons I can use in a single transaction. Boooo
Tear-Off's - These are found usually in front of the products and you tear off the coupons from the pad.
Peelies - These are found direction on the package. You can peel the off and use them right away or save for later. See Picture below.